‘The Bid Toolkit’ Bids and Proposals Masterclass


We have developed a simple online step by step process and guide for delivering winning bids and proposals – thebidtoolkit.com and this video training programme – the bid toolkit bids and proposals masterclass.

Our approach and content breaks bidding down for you, through working out your strategy, developing your solution and story, pricing and writing your responses and final executive summary to submit a successful bid.


See a full overview of the course content below.





  • Dramatically improve your win rates

  • Reduce the stress of the journey to submission

  • Develop and value yourself or your people with high quality APMP Accredited training


Welcome to the bid toolkit bids and proposals masterclass training modules – designed to make winning simple.

The DNA of a winning proposal can be a complex web to weave to the uninitiated. Using insight gained from twenty years of experience and five years of research working with bidding and procurement experts from across the private and public / federal sectors in leading consulting, outsourcing, IT, legal and construction organisations of all sizes – we have developed a simple online step by step process and guide for delivering winning bids and proposals – thebidtoolkit.com and this video training programme – the bid toolkit bids and proposals masterclass.

Our approach and content breaks bidding down for you, through working out your strategy, developing your solution and story, pricing and writing your responses and final executive summary to submit a successful bid.

Our online bid training content is now authorised and accredited by the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP), the global professional body for bids and proposals people.

APMP offers the world’s first, best and only industry-recognised certification program for professionals working in a bid and proposal environment. APMP certification is the global standard for developing and demonstrating proposal management competency.

Anyone, anywhere, can now watch our online bid training video programme and then go on to take and pass the APMP online foundation exam *


Achieving APMP certification:

  • Demonstrates a personal commitment to a career and profession.
  • Improves business development capabilities.
  • Creates a focus on best team practices.
  • Gains the respect and credibility of peers, clients and organisational leaders and, in some cases, additional compensation.
  • Reinforces bid/proposal management as an important role within an organization and not as an ad hoc function that anyone can perform.

For more information on joining more than 10,000 people in becoming accredited members, please go to the APMP site here: https://www.apmp.org/page/AccreditationProgram

* there are additional charges for membership and to take the exam paid to the APMP via their examination partners.


Course Outline

The videos cover in detail the roles and responsibilities of your bid team members and a deep dive into each phase of the bid lifecycle, including:

  • Research and Pursue – thoroughly researching opportunities and their environment to inform the bid decision and to position yourself to win
  • Bid Decisions – making robust collaborative decisions on whether you can win, how you will win, and making the commitment of the right resources.
  • Win Strategy and Kick Off – developing your proposition, win themes and commercial strategy and then kicking off the development of content, with everyone aligned
  • Solution and Story – designing your service delivery model and using storyboarding to develop winning responses
  • Write and Price – further developing the content outlined in the storyboards into compelling responses and ensuring you are on track to deliver a winning bid to your client
  • Review and Finalise – reviewing and improving your document to take it from a good to great
  • Sign off and Submit – making sure you achieve appropriate and diligent sign off of your proposals internally and safely prepare your bid submission for delivery
  • Present and Support – preparing a winning presentation and supporting your proposition through to deal close
  • Handover and Mobilise – providing a seamless handover of the secured work to your delivery team to set them up for success


Who should take part

Sales Leads – should watch to develop their understanding of enabling higher conversion rates through: insight and positioning, high quality input into your strategy and win themes, their part in informing your commercial strategy, helping the team to storyboard compelling content and maximising document impact through robust client centric reviews.

Bid Leaders – who are regularly nominated to lead proposals should watch to understand: their responsibilities and required behaviours, how they should select a winning bid team, how to develop your strategy, win themes and solution, their role in ownership of the commercials and risks, how to review your submission to drive quality and to provide impact and how to coach the team to pitch and present with confidence.

Service Delivery Leads – who will be responsible for developing the solution and running the service once the business is secured should watch to further develop: their approach to building winning service delivery models that deliver value and innovation for the client, their skills in leading the deconstructing of requirements and questions to generate compelling content, and how to lead the presentation with impact and capture the clients attention as the lynchpin of the delivery team.

Bid Managers – should watch to build on their techniques and approach to: mobilising bid teams to succeed, engagement of senior colleagues in value proposition development, project management, process and governance of tenders, and how to maximise outputs from meetings and to facilitate high impact reviews. They should also attend to see how they can help their teams take their presentations and pitches to the next level.

Contributors – or subject matter experts (SMEs) should watch to understand the full tendering environment and how to play a winning part in it. They will acquire skills in challenging and verifying strategy, contribution to value adding solution development, and storyboarding and writing compelling responses with confidence.



Jeremy Brim

The bid toolkit and our training content in both bids and proposals and in capture were devised and developed by Jeremy Brim.

Jeremy brings 20 years of experience as a bid management professional across both the public/federal and private sectors. He has led successful bid functions spanning professional services, outsourcing and construction – securing an enviable collection of high-profile projects, programmes and frameworks with blue chip clients around the globe. Importantly, he has learned from the best – working with a range of incredible business leaders of multi-billion dollar organisations, their cutting edge bid teams, and their entrepreneurial sales teams to develop winning propositions.

Jeremy progressed through his career to senior roles in high growth global organisations, from Mouchel and EC Harris, to Mace. Early on he developed a specialism in UK and European public sector tendering, in both central and local government, which is still called upon today. The robust compliance driven nature of public sector proposals provided a great grounding to expand his experience into the private sector, securing large scale frameworks and programmes with corporate clients. Jeremy has since led large professional proposals functions as well as held client facing roles as an Account Leader and Sector Lead.

For more than 15 years he has led business development and tendering training programmes for directors, partners, associates and graduate schemes. In between large corporate roles he has continued to deliver significant ROI for SME business owners, entrepreneurs and investors as a board member, advisor and Non-Exec.

In the autumn of 2018 Jeremy decided to pursue a portfolio career full time. He now works with leadership teams and business owners as a consultant and advisor to plan and deliver sustainable growth through analysis and interventions across the sales cycle. He operates retained executive client development programmes, undertakes research and capture projects and advises on strategic pursuits.